Buitenzorg Motarders: Bogor Supermoto Community

Buitenzorg Motarders

Buitenzorg Motarders

In the end of my journey to Bukit Pelangi (Rainbow Hill), I decided to heading to Air Mancur U-turn on jalan Ahmad Yani in the way back to home. Before crossing the street, I parked my bike on SPBU Total parking area. There I saw four Kawasaki motorcycles. If you think the bikes are Ninja or ER series then you’re wrong. Those bikes aren’t full fairing bike nor street bike which we often see. Those motorcycles are Kawasaki adventure or supermoto series, the KLX 150S and D-Tracker 150.

These bikes belong to four cool guys which call them selves the Buitenzorg Motarders. They live around Bogor city and usually hang out to see each other on the weekend. When I met them, they were really humble to introduce them selves and starting conversation. According to them, this kind of motorcycle is comfort for daily usage. They said these bikes are having no difficulty to move quickly across the speed trap, wet and muddy ground, even off-road track with heavy terrain. You can ride it in all street conditions. The fuel consumption is quite thrift for 150 cc engine. These bikes are quite light if we compare it to superbike. Of course, no doubt about it šŸ™‚ .

Well buddy, do you live near Bogor city and have an adventure bike or supermoto like this? Then you can join them. They also accept riders who ride custom bike in adventure bike concept. For example, a Honda CS-1 which have been modified into an adventure bike belong to a member of this community.

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Kawasaki D-Tracker 150. D-Tracker uses up-side-down instead of conventional telescopic fork.

Kawasaki D-Tracker 150. D-Tracker uses up-side-down instead of conventional telescopic fork.

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Kawasaki KLX 150S

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

26 komentar di “Buitenzorg Motarders: Bogor Supermoto Community

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  3. but… it’s too shame, for 150cc segment…. both klx n d tracker 150 less power n torque šŸ™‚
    , some testimonial from my folks, especially kls they said “tanjakan yang lumayan miring ngeden klo boncengan..kalo sendiri sih masih sanggup” , hopefully kawasaki made some improvement for their dirt bike power n torque…… may be like NVL šŸ˜€ , it would be awesome for that kinda light weight n PTWR klx šŸ˜€
    btw, i own a hyosung montrac 200cc šŸ˜€

    • Hm… Do you think the new KLX 150L will have more power and torque than the S series? It has just launched by KMI in mid Desember. I’ve heard the L series have some improvements. Have you try it yet? Btw, I don’t even have any dirt bike made by Kawasaki. I can’t tell the riding experience on that kind of bike. Many thanks for your information, the other visitors will have some consideration to buy this kind of bike šŸ™‚

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